This step-by-step tutorial will help you get started with Chow.
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This step-by-step tutorial will help you get started with Chow.
Last updated
After the first login you will be redirected to the project creation page, where you will have to insert the project name and, optionally, a logo. Both the logo and the name may then be changed. The only thing that will not be modified is the identifier, which uniquely identifies the project.
As sample project we will create the structure for a simple blog. For this project we aim to create two models:
Authors, including first name, last name, a profile picture and an email address
Articles, including title, description, cover picture, author and its content
First, we create these two model by clicking on New Model
button on the top-right corner of the sidebar and filling out the dialog that pops up. As before, the name and description can be changed at any time, while the identifier will always remain the same.
Now that we have created the models, we need to add all the necessary fields to them. In order to do this, we have to select the model on the sidebar and then click on the Update Model button on the top-right corner of the page. This will open a side sheet where we should find a New Field button at the beginning of the field section. After clicking on it, a dialog will show up and we will be able to select the type of the field that we want to create. Selecting a type of field will make another dialog show up where we will insert all of the field information. Every field has a name, an identifier and a description while some other properties depend on its type. Especially, a relation-typed field needs a reference to the model that relates to the current one, a field in the other model to display and the type of relation (one to one, one to many or many to many).
Once we have our model correctly set up, we will insert some data inside of the project.
To upload any type of media that we will later use in the project we need to go to the media page by clicking the appropriate button in the thin sidebar on the left side of the page. Once we are on the media page we will click the button Upload Media on the top-right corner. The next step is to complete the dialog and upload the selected media file. This can be done by either selecting the file and clicking "Open" or dragging and dropping the file into the dialog box.
Now we are ready to insert some data into the project.
Get back on the models page and select the model in which you want to insert data. Then click on the blue button New Item and fill out the side sheet to add a new item.
Now that we have successfully created the project and uploaded all the data we can take a look at how to use these data outside of Chow, in your super cool application 😉.
In order to get a new api key to use when making requests to the Chow API, we will need to go to the project settings. Here we will see the "API Keys" section, where there is a button for creating a new API key. Fill in the dialog after clicking on it and now we have a valid API key to use where we want. You can simply copy it by clicking on the three dots and pressing the Copy Key button.
To use your freshly generated key make a request to api.usechow.com and add the key in request headers as x-api-key
The name of the model
API Key for authentication
Name of the model
API Key for authentication
No body
Name of the model
ID of the item
API Key for authentication
No body
Name of the model
ID of the item
API Key for authentication
No body
Name of the model
ID of the item
API Key for authentication
No body